Please email for prices and orders – trees@treekeepers.com.au
Perfect as single trees or for orchards in large and small spaces

Pink Lady
Cripps Pink, sold as Pink Lady™, is a cross between Golden Delicious and Lady Williams developed by John Cripps in the
1970s in Western Australia.
The apple is large and crisp with a dense, firm and juicy flesh, excellent sweet and sharp flavor, aromatic, and its high sugar content makes it perfect for cooking.
- Excellent in salads, sauces and pies.
- Good Cropping
- Good for pollinating others as it has a long bloom period
Please email for enquiries, prices and orders – trees@treekeepers.com.au
Royal Gala
Royal Gala originated in New Zealand around 1934 as the result of a cross between Kidd’s Orange Red and Golden Delicious.
The apple is medium in size, dense, sweet, aromatic and juicy. Its sweet flavor makes it ideal to be eaten fresh, used in salads, dried, cooked in pies, and perfect for sauces.
- Its size makes it a great fit for a child’s hand.
- Good Cropping
Please email for enquiries, prices and orders – trees@treekeepers.com.au

Developed in Japan, but an all-American cross of Red Delicious and Ralls Janet.
The apple is medium-sized, crisp, juicy, and has an extremely dense flash with a honeysweet taste. Its high sugar content makes it great for cooking and its firm-texture retains their shape when cooked. Fuji can be frozen, and are good in salads, pies and sauces.
- Many consider Fuji to be the perfect eating apple.
- Heavy Cropping
- Attractive blossom
Please email for enquiries, prices and orders – trees@treekeepers.com.au
Cripps Red sold as Sundowner™, is a cross between a Golden Delicious and Lady Williams.
It originated in Western Australia in the early 1980s.
It is perfect for baking and is a good eating apple. Sugar levels in Sundowner™ improve with storage, making them a sweet and flavoursome apple.
Spreading growth habit with wide branch angles would be suited to a range of rootstocks and tree.
Please email for enquiries, prices and orders – trees@treekeepers.com.au